VIDEO: Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs may forever be rivals. Here’s 60 seconds from a recent exchange between our cat George Paul John (aka PJ) and Ringo the dog. I gave PJ his name so that no other animals could be accepted into our house. “Sorry kids, there are no more Beatles to name it after?!?!”

UPDATE: So our dear friend JPizzle reminds us that technically there is another name available for our pet-naming needs: Peter Best was the original Beatles drummer until he was replaced in 1960 by Ringo Starr, says Wikipedia. Futher reading reveals that we may also end up with a goldfish named Stuart Sutcliffe, an short-time bass player for the band.

Outdoor Movie Night in South Pasadena

Back To the Future, Movie Night in South Pasadena

We watched the 1985 classic Back To the Future on a movie screen tacked to the side of the old historic society building in downtown South Pasadena last night. We camped out with crowds of other movie-goers who trekked here with lawn chairs and blanks and snacks.

The showing was part of South Pasadena’s Outdoor Movie Night series, which plays every Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. on a lawn next to the Mission Street Metro Station.

I was snapping photos left and right, and had the exposure just right when I caught this classic scene of Doc Brown and Marty McFly just after the DeLorean hits 88 mphs in the JC Penny parking lot.

Last night’s blast from the past was the last showing of the 2010 season. Can’t wait till next year!