8 more Weeknds ‘til 2023, might as well spend them here

I started this blog almost 15 years ago, before there was a Twitter, before there was Instagram, when the World Wide Web was a wild frontier of invention and exploration.

Weekndr.com was my little piece of virtual land with a URL missing just enough vowels to slot me right into the universe of Internet personalities. I was here to document the Weekndr family adventures (anonymity was still a thing back then) and share our view of the world with anyone who I could convince to look.

My niche was based on an idea that life was just a countdown of weekends until you die, and humans were put on earth to make the most of all of them.

So most weeks when I had time and remembered I dutifully updated my Photoshop file and published a countdown update with things to do on the weekend.

Eventually I started experimenting with search engine optimization, publishing how-to articles on common household tasks you might accomplish on a weekend, and I watched my traffic and search engine referrals soar.

For example, one of my most popular and favorite: “Eat raw garlic to cure a common cold.” Or more specific and obscure topics like: “How to make a replacement Scrabble tile.”

diy scrabble tile

I’m gonna try to spend more time over here heading into the year 2023. So put a bookmark here and check back for more ideas on how to make the most of your next weekend.

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